Katerina Nova
LINK >>> https://tlniurl.com/2tlvCL
1. To develop an innovative solution that would enable health-related behaviour changes, increase motivation, promote physical activity and reduce prolonged sedentary time in users, thanks to persuasive and ubiquitous computing techniques.
Ocean Living Lab comprises a new level of collaborative endeavour, pooling energies, capabilities and methodologies to resolve common problems, to innovate around new uses and to test new equipment in nautical sports much more effectively.
Ocean LL intends to address the territorial challenges of promoting the marine/ aquatic sector and the competitiveness of these enterprises through open innovation, bringing together economic operators (water sector and technologies), user communities, R&D centers and universities to build a marine sector of excellence and an economic development engine.
The results of this project allow the specification of an innovative daily life digital tool that could be used by elderly people to maintain their cognitive abilities. It Is also expected to create a new community with people that have the same interests and availability to get together. 59ce067264